Today is the first day of 2023 plus I am going to attempt to stop drinking carona each day plus split back on the sugar.
I normally don’t eat any sugar, but being back here in the States over the holidays is proving to be taxing on my healthy diet plans. I know I don’t have a lot of willpower when sugar is all around me, but when I go cabin it is a lot easier because I have no sugar or sweets in my flat, then i just need my flatmate to be on the same page as me too, but residential heating plus cooling repairs is my task over there plus I also work on climate control systems in commercial buildings. I just want to try plus be as healthy as possible so that I can live a long time plus have a good body to help me get there. Working on big heat pumps plus boiling water heaters all day can be taxing on the lower back plus shoulders, plus doing yoga each day helps a lot with keeping them strong plus healthy. I am going to go for a run this week plus do a little leg workout, then I will try plus meet up with a associate somewhere for lunch maybe. Today may be a bit taxing though because lots of local companies are closed plus most of my Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C tech friends are busy with their families plus stuff. I may be stuck here at my aunt’s household because I have no vehicle to get me around town while visiting here.