Crazy HVAC Hobbies

My husband is an amazing guy; he is truly a loving man with a fun personality.

Vince and I have been married over ten years now, and I couldn’t be happier.

We really get along very well even though we are polar opposites. Although I love him to death, we do have our differences. I have loved sewing since I was just a child, and it has been my hobby for many years. Vince on the other hand starts a new hobby just about every month. He never repeats the same hobbies which is sort of a bummer because whatever hobby he is into, buys all sorts of stuff for that hobby. To me, it is a waste of money, but he loves it, so it makes me happy. Last month he really got into repairing old HVAC units. I thought it was kind of a strange hobby, but he did a great job, and by the time it was said and done, our AC was working again. While he was into this, he bought over twenty different units. Everywhere we went, he asked people if they had any HVAC equipment that needed repair. We ended up with with over five furnaces in our basement, and a whole bunch of other HVAC units. Now that he is done with this hobby, we still have five furnaces in the basement along with other things, and I just don’t know what to do with them all. Vince has them all running again, so hopefully I will be able to sell them. Even with my husband’s crazy hobbies, I wouldn’t trade him for the world.


heating device