Wanting to move for warmer weather for Christmas

Ever since I was a little boy I have wanted to move, then currently I live in an area where it gets a lot of snow, but i entirely do not appreciate the snow that much.

I loved the snow more when I was a little kid, then however I have consistently wanted to move South.

I care about the hot temperatures. I guess it would be a dream to be able to have warmer temperatures all year round. I guess it would also be a dream to never have snow. I hate driving in the snow most of all. I dream of owning a condo in the South where I use the a/c in the winter time. I do care about being hot and I care about using the heat. However I would dream of having a stadium where I use the a/c while in the winter time, but doesn’t that seem like a dream to you. I would care about to be able to have a red Christmas where I never have to worry about the driving conditions that afternoon and if I am going to get to where I need to be. I feel as if that is not something I should consistently have to sorry about. I just cannot wait until the afternoon comes where I can use the a/c on the same afternoon as Christmas. Having heat is a beautiful thing to survive where I live but I guess I would much rather just do separate from it. Having heat is not all it’s cracked up to be actually.



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