Need to Cut Back on Sugar plus go Buy a HEPA Filter

I’ve been eating quite a bit of sweets over the holidays plus can see the new fat on my stomach where before there wasn’t so much.

Now I am going to split out all sugar plus start my clean diet that I was doing earlier in the year.

Well, today started a new year so what I really mean is earlier last year. I think I can be back in the shape I was last summer time if I clean up my diet for about three or four months. If I start doing more Heating plus Air Conditioning duct repairs in the summer time like I used to do, I will lose that weight even faster because of all of the work it takes to do the tasks. I think the biggest contributor of fat on the stomach is the sugar plus the lack of exercise as it has been too cold to play beach volleyball. The duct cleaning plus duct sealing task has also been put on the back burner since coming to the States for a month trip. I will go for a run later in the park behind us plus do some TRX strap workouts for the rest of my body. My aunt wants me to help his with his geothermal heat pump plus maybe look at his hybrid Heating plus Air Conditioning system if I have enough time. I am going to hang out with a neighbor later however not until I get my writing plus exercise done. The local repair provider neighbor of mine is going to come over for the workout so I need to get this done.


