Injury and A/C

I was in a small vehicle accident last week, and it did quite a bit of disfigurement to my body; I broke a few ribs as well as my left femur, my healthcare expert told me to stay in bed for about a week before I try to get around on my own. This wasn’t a hard task because I couldn’t get walk on my own even if I tried, then unfortunately, my hubby had to go back to work the day after I got out of the hospital. My Dad offered to come and stay with me, although she wasn’t able to come until the following week. I was destined to stay a least a couple days by myself, and I knew it wasn’t going to be self-explanatory. The first day came and went, and all was well. The second morning, I looked at the weather, and it said it was supposed to be truly warm that day. I asked my hubby to turn the A/C up, so I wouldn’t get too warm during the day, and she turned it up just before she left for work! Within a couple hours, the apartment was truly cool! Around noon, it was so cold in the apartment that I had to put two more blankets over me. In the early afternoon, I was literally shaking because I was so cold. I wished so badly that someone could come over just to turn the temperature control up. When my hubby finally got home, I instantaneously asked him to turn up the temperature control. That Sunday was one of the longest days of my life. I know now that I would much rather be too warm than too cold.


Injury and A/C